Finding the Right Fit: Zaggora Sources Suppliers for its Unique, High-Performance Exercise Clothing from Alibaba.com
Daisy Bell

Zaggora Hotwear is a line of sportswear that can help consumers burn more calories while working out. The company’s stylish products are made from lycra, polyester and neoprene, a combination of materials that harnesses the body’s own heat to increase calorie burn. Through Alibaba.com, Zaggora can choose from hundreds of manufacturers and suppliers to vet, verify and test their product samples. Using Alibaba.com-verified materials, Zaggora is able to build new product prototypes before sending them off to a manufacturing plant for production. Sold online in more than 120 countries, Zaggora is continually leveraging Alibaba.com to source new materials and manufacturers to bring new products to market.

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About the Company
Name: Zaggora
Industry: Apparel
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