CEO :Ric Kostick —— 100% Pure (United States)
Tessa Hartnett ——Vurge Jewellery (Australia)
1、When we’re looking for a supplier on alibab.com, our main concern is can we trust them
当我们在阿里巴巴国际站上寻找供应商时,最关注的是信任。 (Tessa Hartnett :Vurge Jewellery (Australia))
2、The assessment or inspection report is critically important for you to distinguish yourself amongst all the other suppliers out there.
阿里巴巴国际站金品诚企的认证和验厂报告对一个供应商是否能脱颖而出至关重要 ( CEO Ric Kostick :100% Pure (United States))
3、the videos allow us not to have to go and spend time and capital to go and make those trips.
有了这些视频,我们就不用到实地去看了,既省钱又省力 ( Co-founder :Anthony Martin:iCracked Inc. (United States))
4、I will look over the report in the beginning, understand what the structure of the company is, it validates that it’s a true company it tells me the kind of the size.
我会从头阅读金品诚企的报告,了解供应商的结构,他是否真实合法,规模多大 (Co-founder :Anthony Martin :iCracked Inc. (United States))
5、I think this is really helpful, top-ranking suppliers, especially for new buyers.
我认为商家榜单真的很有用,尤其对新买家来说 (Deepen, Custom Graphic (United States))
6、it shows the certifications that manufactures have, which that part is the key, so the certifications are really important.
还有供应商拥有的证书,这是非常关键的信息,所以拥有证书认证非常重要 (Deepen , Custom Graphic (United States))
7、I saw Alibaba and from the front page I saw Premium OEM Factories I feel like it has been showcased by the Alibaba.
当我登录阿里巴巴国际站首页的时候看到了金品专区-实力代工场景,我认为这些就是被阿里巴巴国际站推荐的优质供应商 (Deepen, Custom Graphic (United States))
8、If i found 2 suppliers and it was a choice between those two, but one supplier had the verification logos they have gone through and done the verified supplier assessment, to me they take their business more seriously当我需要在2家供应商之间做选择的时候,我认为通过阿里巴巴国际站金品诚企认证的供应商对待他们的生意更加严肃,谨慎 Owner:Tessa Hartnett ,公司名:Vurge Jewellery (Australia)
9、that level of trust is worth gold in my mind这种信任和金子一样宝贵 CEO :Ric Kostick ,公司名:100% Pure (United States)